Thursday, July 28, 2011


Last week sometime we brought out the pump. We were talking about beginning to pump to get Freya on the bottle some of the time, and allow Melissa some freedom.

Tanner and Reese were so fascinated by the pump, and either of us really understood it. They talked about all the pieces, how it worked and even tried demonstrating how it would work on themselves.

Yesterday was the big day, Melissa pumped for the first time. She had an audience of little people with their little chairs pulled up for a front row seat. It wasn't until that time that we finally understood...with pumping they would be allowed to feed 'their' baby!

The four ounces pumped were liquid gold, not only for Freya but in the excitement it contained for Tanner and Reese. They were over the moon.

So yesterday afternoon for the first time, they got to feed their sister. They sat and talked to her, and stroked her head while she drank her bottle for the first time.

pictures to come soon, but it was pretty great.

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