Sunday, November 22, 2009


just another evening around our house

The Paper Bag Prince

One of my favorite books is the story of the Paper bag Princess. It is one that I read summer after summer while directing camp. Lately, we have been able to start reading a whole new set of books to Tanner & Reese - including the Paper bag Princess.

It's been fun to watch stories unfold for them - and see when they have a new level of understanding.

Our Prince.

And then - this is what happens after you read the story for your toddler one too many times.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sneak Preview

For the holidays this year we decided to update our family photo for my dad. Thought it was time for him to stop carrying around the pictures of Cori and myself circa 1996.

It was a beautiful day, and we took the pictures in Dad's backyard. Unfortunately, Tanner & Reese did not get the memo and were not too sure of this entire experience. We did end up with some great shots - it just took a bit of effort to get there! Thought we would share some shots from the day.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Who Needs Toys?

When you have a cardboard box?


Main Entry: pre·co·cious
Pronunciation: \pri-ˈkō-shəs\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin praecoc-, praecox early ripening, precocious, from prae- + coquere to cook — more at cook
Date: 1650

1 : exceptionally early in development or occurrence
2 : exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age

Or -

I think this just gives us a glimpse of what is to come 13 years down the line. My mom is just sitting up there - laughing - knowing all the grief I gave to her is coming right back to me. :) Sigh.

We sure do love this little feisty one.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Raggedy Ann and Andy

Drum roll please....

We were having a tough time trying to figure out what Tanner & Reese should be this year. Knowing that this will probably be the last year that we get to decide what their costume is going to be - we wanted it to be good. We had lots of ideas - but the idea of going the 'twin' route won out - so without further adieu ...

Raggedy Ann and Andy.
Reese, or Raggedy Ann - or Betsy Ross.
(I"m going to save this costume and try and talk her into that idea in the future)

Raggedy Andy

A slightly grumpy bumble bee - Maeva. :)
Unfortunately, neither Tanner or Reese were in the best of moods. We are working on our final molars in our house right now- I'll be VERY happy when all of their teeth are finally in! That is why we were never actually able to get a picture of the two of them together- and why they look slightly disgruntled in all the pictures. sigh.

One funny story- I sent their costumes with them to pre-school on Thursday. When I got their to pick them up - I was informed that Reese insisted that she wear the Raggedy Andy costume, and Tanner got stuck with Ragged Ann. He wasn't too pleased with the entire costume idea at that point- so to get event went and ate all of Reese's yogurt. funny.

And again - just a little perspective on the past.

Thing 1 and Thing 2- October 08

Little Punkin's

Well - Let's start with a little trip down memory lane.

Tanner & Reese 10 Months Old - October 08'

Reese, Tanner & Maeva - First time at the pumpkin patch!

Now- Let's fast forward to this year.

It was a beautiful day, and together with our dear friends Hamsa, Jeff and Maeva we went out to visit one of our local pumpkin patches. It was the same one we had been to last year, but this year it was a very different experience. Last year we had babies that were crawling - this year we had three toddlers who were VERY willing to help explore and pick out their own pumpkins!

Everyone wants to help!

We explored fun tunnels, pumpkin patches, and played on the hay bale tower...

And we did try to re-create some of the same shots from last year- but again, we had three toddlers who had their own ideas of what we should be doing.

Maeva, Tanner & Reese -

Maeva and Tanner sharing a secret...

When we got home - we tried something a little new with Tanner & Reese. I couldn't find any special pumpkin paint for them to use, and thought they were a little young to help carve their own pumpkins - so instead we decorated! (crafty, i know)

While we cut out all the pieces, Tanner & Reese put them on their pumpkins - all by my themselves! Ta-da! Our final works of art.