Friday, January 29, 2010

Future Soccer Players

Or so Melissa would want you all to believe.

But hey, if they are to young to play soccer - they can at least look the part! These are Tanner & Reese's new Adidas soccer gear. Yes, Reese picked out the pink one herself, and Tanner actually can really kick the ball - he's got a good shot on him!

Just a little love... (so cute!)

Getting ready to play ring around the rosey -

And then this is how it turned out.
(No one was actually hurt in the making of this video - all individuals did their own stunts and recovered from any trauma that might have been inflicted 30 seconds later.)

Calgon Take me Away!

January has been a doozy!

We have been to the emergency room, been dealing with UTI's, teething, colds, ear infections and to top it all off we have been looking for a new care provider. Phew! I will spare everyone the details (because I will just start to sound VERY whiny) but here's hoping that we get a full night sleep and everyone is on the mend soon.

P.S. - Thank you Aunt Miriam for the finger puppets -they were a huge hit! We hope to see you very soon!

some updates

So over the holidays my Aunt Miriam gave us some great hand-me-down place mats from when my cousins were young. Each one is different (and a little random) but the current favorite is this place mat pictured below- they like all the 'men' on it.

So the other morning we were all eating breakfast when after studying his place mat informed that there was a picture of his daddy there. Needless to say I found this a little confusing -

So I asked - "Who is your daddy Tanner?"

At what point Tanner points to:

Yes, Richard Nixon.

I am not sure what this says about Tanner - future Republican, President or Crook either way I thought it was funny. He then pointed to another 'man' and told me he has two daddys- just like he had two mommies. I thought this was a pretty aware statement for a 2 year old.

Finally- thought I would leave you with a picture of some of the cutest tushes around

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Visit With Auntie Christy

Phew! 2010 has already started off at quite a pace...

In midst of our silence we have been dealing with sicknesses, trips to the emergency room, teething and in the midst of it all - Auntie Christ came to visit!

So what do we do - the most touristy thing possible and head off to the Mystery Spot!

Can you tell her favorite color is pink these days?

It's all quite the mystery

Phew! We are just starting to get settled around here -more updates to follow!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Years Eve v. 2

For the second year - we were thrilled to rent a house with some friends to celebrate New Years. Having little ones certainly changes you definition of a 'vacation' and this time away was the most restorative and fun we have had in a long time.

We were able to find a large home to rent just outside of Yosemite. It was perfect, there was no snow at the house- but it did not take us long to find some of the white stuff to play in. We ate great food (too much!) and the kids had a great time just running and playing. Tanner was especially funny - he LOVED having all the guys around. Often times if you could not find him, he was down stairs in the 'man cave' playing fooze ball, ping pong and air hockey.

Thanks to everyone - we can not wait to do it again next year!

Building a their first snow man...

Tanner was not so sure about the whole snow thing - but Reese, she got into it! Going sledding with Mommy.

The Weiss Family -

The Merlet Family

The Pickens-Francios Family

The Kerwin Family

Reese off and exploring

Finding their inner monkey and tree climbing

Tanner posing for the cover of "Sharing Nature with Children"

Self Portrait - group shot. Not the best of anyone -but we sure did have a great time!

San Francisco Visit

So during our break we made the trek up to the city - we wanted to visit with family and meet the newest addition to the Berkman Clan. It was a whirwind of a trip, but I everyone had a good time!

So here are some photos - in no particular order:

PS- please pay no attention to the pants that Tanner is wearing in the majority of these photos. We had a small diaper malfunction - so they were not the original intended outfit for the day. :)
Tanner and his favorite the Giraffe

Descending upon the Powell-Roccanova household. Three toddlers and a new born - phew!

Dressed for the weather -

All aboard the holiday express!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ballerinas in training

So much to catch up on - Christmas Day, visit to the zoo, meeting our newest cousin Dylan and our New Years Eve trip.

But til we find time to share those stories - please enjoy this small clip of our future ballerinas.