Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Birthday!

We are four!

how did that happen!?!

Odds n' Ends

And now for a few random shots that I couldn't help but share...

Beach Day inside in December?!?!

Freya plays in the exersaucer for the 1st time

Bathtime for all three!

Trip to Moss Landing to see the tall ship

Rights of Passage

I have a kid, heck I have three

I own a house

I am married

And now, I have cooked a holiday meal for my family!

The brave souls who joined us!

Of course the day wasn't without some frivolities and fun - You sit still long enough in our house and this is what happens to you...

Good friends came by - and everyone contributed to a wonderful day.

Team cooking was present - a couple rookie mistakes were made (yes, Melissa there are two ends to your turkey!)

Decorations were made - along with place mats. Can you tell whose this one is?

all n' all - it was a great day - and a VERY yummy meal. We appreciated everyone coming, and braving our first turkey. Can't wait to do it again next year.

Name that kid

Can you guess who this is?

After I took this picture I was SHOCKED at how similarly the kids looked...such a surprise. Crazy...

can you guess?

Halloween in December?!?!

Yes, we are woefully behind. But ta-da! We are slowly getting back up to speed and am just playing catch up.

So I am happy to present...the best of from Halloween 2011.

Our Strawberry

Meet Beach Fairy

And finally...our glow transformer!

And of course it wouldn't be Halloween without our Mouse!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Adoption Day!

Sorry for the radio silence- we have been having some technical difficulties at home lately, and we are just working to get our home computer back up and running so we can download all the pictures from our camera.  So any great shots to share with everyone - but for the time being here is one shot from Freya's adoption on Friday.

A few weeks back we received word that the original time of our hearing had been moved from 11am - to 8:30am.  Yikes!  While I knew we would make it, I was a little fuzzy about how we were going to get everyone up, dressed, and out the door and 20 minutes away - by 8:30...but we made it.  And then the judge was an hour late.

Luckily, once she arrived- she was great.  Thrilled for our family, kind and present for this moment.  After signing papers and such - she had me stand and make the following pledge:

I solemnly swear
to treat Freya
In all respects as my natural child
I am prepared to accept
This gift of a child to raise
I will share my life with her
Help to mold her mind
Nurture her body
And enrich her spirit

I will never betray her trust
Dampen her hopes or
Discourage her dreams

I will be patient and kind
I make this commitment willingly
I will cherish Freya
All the days of my life

(Based upon prayer in Guide my Feet by Marian Wright Edelman)

I don't know if there was a dry eye in the house.  While the day comes with mixed feelings (thrilled that here in California we have the ability, but annoyed that I even had to do this) making this pledge, saying these words filled me with reverence at the commitment we all make when we become parents.  I hope everyone reminds themselves, with these words - how precious these lives are.

Following our court date - we were off for brunch and some time at the bounce house.  All n' all - a great morning. 

More pictures soon... promise.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Can you see it? This is what Reese made this was one of the puppets in their show. Video following.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

You better watch out

You better not cry...and you better keep your distance from the strange bearded man.

This was the first year the kids wanted to go visit we decided to give it a shot.

Of course when we got there....their thought about it all changed. They ran by telling the bearded man what they wanted (a necklace and transformer) but would not get any closer than was absolutely necessary.

I think my favorite shot it Freya looking at Santa....who are you funny man?!?

Dress up

Sorry for the radio silence, our home computer is not working currently.

These are from earlier this week at a friends house- the ladies in purple and the boys gearing up for battle.

I tell you, they do this in their gotta love it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Chanukkah Chicken

Dear Mr.Chanuukah Chicken,
I have been a good boy/girl this year...please consider bringing any of the following for sober my birthday, chanukkah, Christmas or Kwanza. Your choice.

Tanner and Reese

Ps I think my moms are getting us fishing poles.

Oh, and sorry for the akward photo angle.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A visit...

Grandpa Jim and Grandma Mary came to town!

Freya at 4 Months

ding, are the stats:
Height: 25.5 inches (80% percentile)
Weight: 14lbs 6 oz. (60% percentile)

Alter Ego

I am not sure why but every time Tanner & Reese play dress up- their alter egos are that of Michael and Rena.


No good answer - but for now I have to go play dinosaurs with Mike and Rena! :)


Seriously - I feel like we have been celebrating Halloween for weeks around here. October has been spent with pumpkins - decorating pumpkins, carving pumpkins visiting the pumpkin patch...Phew! We even made a pumpkin pie. (Happy birthday dad!)

The littlest pumpkin

Designed by kids, carved by Mom.

Family picture at the pumpkin patch

Not a pumpkin but a sweet potato in disguise

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Story time

Everyone is getting read these days. T and R have decided that they are going to teach freya all the colors and animals. Too cute

Monday, October 31, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

When you sit too long..

Watch out, this is what happens when you sit too long in our house

So formal

Great grandma wear

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Apple picking

This weekend while Melissa was off coaching soccer my friend Ann met me at a local farm to help me take the kids apple picking. We were able to pick Gala, Pippin and both Red and Golden Delicious varieties.  Then the kids picked some of the last strawberries of the season...not the sweetest, but still yummy. I now have a fridge full of apples, so be ready for sauces, crisps and cake...him!