Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hanging with my Bro on our birthday

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

sneak peak

A HUGE thank you to our dear friend Jeff for attempting the near impossible to get a good family photo of all of us. We battled some chilly afternoons to try and get a good shot. There are more - but these are just some of the ones that I liked.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

not lost - just stalled

sorry for the radio silence- so it seems that our home computer is failing. slowly. but at the moment it won't let me get any pictures off my camera, hence the reason for no updates. lots of great photos to share - chanukkah celebrations, new gifts, all good things - and one day you will get to see. i promise.

so for the time being enjoy some shots I had here on my work computer...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

1st Slumber Party

This weekend Mel and I had the opportunity to go to a wedding for some wonderful friends of our. It was an evening wedding, so we took the opportunity to go celebrate while the kiddos had their first Slumber Party with Auntie M and Uncle Dan.

Check out the adventures that they had!

jedi mind tricks

so every night since the kiddos were born they have fallen asleep to music. A variety of CD's, but music every night.

Lately when we are driving in the car and we try and encourage the car nap, we have put their music on our ipods.

Me: Put on music in the car...

Tanner/Reese: "Hey this is our sleeping music!"

Me: "Really?"

Tanner/Reese: zzzzzzzzzzzz

seriously. it's a crack up- they can not withstand the power of the music.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's a bird - a plane - no it's the Supers!

This year I figured it was the last year that I was going to get to choose what my kids were for Halloween. It was actually touch and go. Reese try to decide at the last minute that she wanted to be a fairy, but we adverted that with the Superguy and Supergirl!

Yes, Tanner is smiling in this picture. We're working on it.

We took the streets of downtown Santa Cruz with tons of other kids and families. A little overwhelming, but once the kids discovered their motivation (aka candy) the day went much better.

We stopped and had some dinner with friends.

Faster than a cheetah (that was his super-power)

sugar crash.

Maeva the Unicorn.

love these faces

Love these faces as they are getting ready to go out and do some puddle stomping!

Halloween Glimpse

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mr. T

Our little man -

How can you not love this little face. Tanner is the best snuggler, he will frequently climb into bed and borough in next to me - and will whisper "I love you" that will just make your heart melt. He has a laugh that is infectious that just makes your heart swell. He is all boy - he runs, he jumps, he is tough to keep up with. I have no doubt we will see some soccer in his future. He is quick to warm up to new people and new experiences, and we will frequently find him chatting up some one at the play ground telling them about his latest adventure.

I tell you- it's a good thing. Because on the flip side - Tanner is fearlessly independent and stubborn. It takes a good amount of skill, patience and cajoling to get us out of the house most mornings without a tantrum or some serious frustration. He frequently does not have the patience to try something more than once- he wants it to work, and it wants it to work NOW! (this is typically when you will see toys being hurled across the room, or him turn and bite his sister)

Tanner is smart - he has a memory that consistently amazes me. He will tell stories of things that happened in the past, and we can frequently find him in his room 'reading' books that we have read only just the night before.

He is a kind individual and one that is in touch with his feelings. "I need a moment mama" .

I love him.

Gilroy Gardens

A few weeks back we had the chance to take the kids to Gilroy Gardens. Let me just tell you this place is a heaven for kids that are 3 -8 years of age. (Granted, we are big kids and enjoyed ourselves just as much)

We rode strawberries, goldfish and worms - it is a good size park for kids to explore we trees and greenery all around. While the park doesn't open til 11, we decided to try a morning trip and push the kids as far as we could in terms of nap. Everyone had a GREAT time.

Strawberries - I rode it and quickly reminded myself that I do not do spinning rides.
Sad that my kids didn't get sick but Mel and I...ugh.

We got to ride the merry-go-round

And the flying goldfish.
(this was Reese's favorite - she liked how Tanners fish kept chasing her)

And everyone got to be a fire chief for a moment.

Next we discovered the paddle boats. While we doubted our sanity about making three almost-three year olds wait in line so close to lunch... everyone did great.

life jacket - so we can be safe!

Tanner and Jeff crusin' for 'chicks'

After lunch we were off for more adventure. We ride to take a trip on the "rainbow jungle" (their name not mine)

We ended the day with a trip around the park via the train - and quickly made our way back to the car. 30 seconds later... you saw this.

yup. I'd say it was a success! Can't wait to go again!

i'm just a little competitive..

this is for you Cori

Our attempt at some sweet Axle Rose moves -

pretty cute, eh?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mr. Pumpkin Head

When we took the kids to see Toy Story 3 a while back, their favorite part was Mr. Tortilla.

This year as they have been getting more and more into the halloween spirit - we knew they are still too young to 'carve' their pumpkins, then I came across these little faces. And what do we have ... Mr. Pumpkin Head!

Pretty funny- but at least now they can move the pieces around and make all sorts of faces for themselves.

Lots of love for the pumpkin.

Look at life from both sides now

Love me some Joni Mitchell. But this is what it feels like to look at the world from the eyes of your two year olds.

You get a little something like this:

Or maybe this:

But I think my favorite is this:

not to bad, right? (excuse the pajamas and bed head from me)

Pumpkin Fest 2010

Don't you 'witch' you could come along?

This time of year is always fun. It's a great way to mark the passage of time, and how much the kids have grown and changed. This year, if we had allowed I think we would have come home with a car-full of pumpkins. Too many 'favorites' to choose from. But everyone had a great time.

Thanks Daph for coming with us!

I think this looks like an old school Olan Mills picture to me!

Group Shot- unfortunately none of us are looking the same way!

The whole gang

Prom and pumpkins

Excited about the idea of carving all of their pumpkins!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wanna go for a roll in the hay?

Looks like fun to me!

our little peanut

oh my Reese.

Recently, she has blossomed into a little person. She is always very aware of what is going on around her, and has the greatest desire to do the right thing. She loves pink, all things that sparkle, and will spend hours drawing, painting and focusing on creating. Often we feel for Tanner, as Reese has become the mini-mom of the house. She corrects, she bosses - and as long as those around her follow her lead - she is a happy camper.

Toddler-time thus far has not been too bad with Reese. Our little peanut - bless her - as long as you do not dictate what she can wear...( or how many times she can change her clothes in a day) she is typically a happy camper. She can be heard frequently lamenting over what is the most 'beautiful' option. She focuses, she is smart, kind and loving towards everyone around her.

She is getting so big.

I love you peanut.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

an affair to remember

Tanner & Maeva- seriously they are like two peas in a pod. They act so similarly - they are the sweetest souls, and the most stubborn of friends. They will be the first to play rough and tumble games, while Reese is off the side playing house with her dolls.

They fight, then they make up. And according to Maeva- Tanner's her favorite. We are already drawing up agreements for their future... :)

This past weekend we met up at UCSC for their Harvest Fair. It was a a super HOT day, but they everyone had a great time. Exploring the garden, taking a hay ride, and eating a picnic lunch.
Maeva' cooling off with a sprinkler

The crew off on the hay ride - we timed it right- by the time we were done the line was CRAZY long.

To one of our favorite little people - we love you Ms. M and for always being up for playing with our duo.