Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mr. T

Our little man -

How can you not love this little face. Tanner is the best snuggler, he will frequently climb into bed and borough in next to me - and will whisper "I love you" that will just make your heart melt. He has a laugh that is infectious that just makes your heart swell. He is all boy - he runs, he jumps, he is tough to keep up with. I have no doubt we will see some soccer in his future. He is quick to warm up to new people and new experiences, and we will frequently find him chatting up some one at the play ground telling them about his latest adventure.

I tell you- it's a good thing. Because on the flip side - Tanner is fearlessly independent and stubborn. It takes a good amount of skill, patience and cajoling to get us out of the house most mornings without a tantrum or some serious frustration. He frequently does not have the patience to try something more than once- he wants it to work, and it wants it to work NOW! (this is typically when you will see toys being hurled across the room, or him turn and bite his sister)

Tanner is smart - he has a memory that consistently amazes me. He will tell stories of things that happened in the past, and we can frequently find him in his room 'reading' books that we have read only just the night before.

He is a kind individual and one that is in touch with his feelings. "I need a moment mama" .

I love him.

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