Friday, January 29, 2010

some updates

So over the holidays my Aunt Miriam gave us some great hand-me-down place mats from when my cousins were young. Each one is different (and a little random) but the current favorite is this place mat pictured below- they like all the 'men' on it.

So the other morning we were all eating breakfast when after studying his place mat informed that there was a picture of his daddy there. Needless to say I found this a little confusing -

So I asked - "Who is your daddy Tanner?"

At what point Tanner points to:

Yes, Richard Nixon.

I am not sure what this says about Tanner - future Republican, President or Crook either way I thought it was funny. He then pointed to another 'man' and told me he has two daddys- just like he had two mommies. I thought this was a pretty aware statement for a 2 year old.

Finally- thought I would leave you with a picture of some of the cutest tushes around

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