Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen

Toddler Sports Academy

So we have been trying to sign Tanner & Reese up for some extra-curricular activities. We had participated in ballet classes, and thought we would switch it up to try the local Toddler Sports Academy and do a little soccer and t-ball.

I am not so sure - Tanner and Reese are not into the class 'thing' yet. It's the only way to describe it - every time we go to see Coach Josh, things fall apart quickly.

No soccer- this is what I want to do instead. sigh...

The funny thing is-Tanner is really athletic. I think he will excel with group sports, just to wait a little longer until he is ready to join a group to do it.

Reese is not so sure about it all. Is it time for 'half-time' (snack-time) yet?

We're Alive!

It has been a whirl-wind few weeks. We have moved out of our house, completed some major remodeling of our house, completed school, completed a year of program, moved back into house -etc. Phew! It's been a little hectic.

Pictures of the house will be following shortly- but for now I thought I would share some pictures from our latest adventures.

We've been busy soaking up the rays-

Practicing our artistic skills and exploring our creative sides -

Loving on one another, and enjoying the outdoors -

Playing dress up and just foolin' around -

Visiting some new baby goats, their twins too! (Anything cuter than a 3 day old goat? I think not.)

More to follow -